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Your legacy


Memories Management LLC helps you preserve Exclusive, Imaginative and Lifetime memories for your enjoyment and lasting impression. Your life’s accomplishments and milestones can be captured so that your legacy will remain and be known  and

appreciated by all your family, friends and associates. 


We help individuals secure and document their legacy in a timely, quality and affordable manner, by creating and preserving their Life’s accomplishments for future generations. Memories Management will work with you to design and personalize your live’s celebrations, to be uniquely yours for an enduring positive impression.


What exactly is a legacy? Legacy is something you’re creating every day, whether you realize it or not. It is the need or the desire to be remembered for what you have contributed or accumulated for family or community and the world. 




Your Personal Legacy Check

                                     ​How would you like to be remembered? Ask yourself…..                                            How do I want my love ones to remember me when I’m gone? 

   What footprint do I want to leave in the lives of those that I meet?

What do I want to be remembered for when  

I am no longer around?

Right now, what is my life about? 

Money? Stuff? Family? Influence? Politics? Accumulation? Net worth?

 You can begin answering these questions and take steps to Outlive your Life!



A legacy develops from a life dedicated to self-reflection and purpose. What will be revealed and what will endure is a truthful and value driven living. 

Memories Management - Legacy That Last, will make these arrangements in advance to your satisfaction, please call us.        



  Themed branding for each Memorial Event or Celebration.   

    Custom-designed Floral arrangements for life celebrations and events.        


If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”Benjamin Franklin